Diversity is in our nature
Humans are diverse. And so is our nature.
We believe that all living beings should be able to dream, think and love freely.

Diversity is not only an important topic for human society, it is present everywhere around us in nature. BIO+DIVERSITY aims to show the connection between diversity in love, colour, culture and the natural world represented by the bees.
We demand the freedom of diversity for all humans and fight every day to preserve it in nature through our bee projects. Join us and share this important message to the world by wearing the BEEYOND Rainbow Logo.
After all, there is only one human race but 16'000 wild bee species we have to protect at all costs.
Love, Giacomo & Fabian
No product
Community Funding
Rainbow Bee Socks
Contribute to our first ever crowdfunding and help us create the Rainbow Bee Socks! After reaching the goal, production will begin.
Delivery: 8-12 weeks after reaching goal.